September 15, 2011

Recent Media Concerning Apple Juice

I'm not sure who Dr. Oz is, although I do have a friend who reads articles and books he has written, so I'm not sure how creditable or not creditable he really is. I tend to lean towards distrust of the media, but many of my child care colleagues around the country are posting about and becoming very concerned about his recent reports on arsenic in apple juice.

I have read the reports, and admittedly the original findings and amounts were startling. But, then I read the juice rebuttals, which kicked my conspiracy theory genes into high gear! Who do you believe?

While I think the arguments on both sides are persuasive, I've chosen, here at Magic Moments, to simply cut apple juice (and all other juices) out of our menu planning and simply receive our fruit needs from whole foods. I've had many different doctors and dietitians tell me that fruit juice is not really great for children nor adults. It's full of sugar which plays with blood glucose levels and can lead to rapid tooth decay.

So, our beverage choices will be milk and water. We'll still eat plenty of fruit, but by avoiding juice I really don't have to decide if Dr. Oz is correct or the Juice Companies. :)

As always, if you have concerns with this decision, please talk to me. Thanks!

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